Our goal: 

  • expanding and updating the knowledge of the participants,
  • developing their problem-solving skills,
  • increasing the competitiveness of the employer and employee,
  • transfer of international, up-to-date knowledge,
  • certifying the acquisition of knowledge.

Our courses are aimed at colleagues from operators to engineers, from subordinates to senior managers, who are interested in the processes of electronic production and want to expand their knowledge.

Conducting our courses:

With the end of the epidemic threat, it was again possible to conduct the courses in the classroom, to hold courses that also include practical education. However, the possibility of distance learning for theory courses still exists. The two methods can even be combined within one course, if there is a need for this. We are interested in your opinion! Please contact us by e-mail or phone. Lets talk about it!

Public courses:

Anyone can apply for our publicly announced courses. The courses are held between the middle of September and the beginning of December, and in the spring, from the beginning of March to the end of May. We will publish the dates, topics, participation fees and other information on our website in time. It is possible to apply online as well as by e-mail, fax or post.

External courses:

We also hold our courses at the premises of our customers, if they so wish. For outsourced training, we provide a unique price offer for the given course. Generally, if a company already has approx. There would be 6 applicants for one course, outsourced management is more expedient and economical.

The outsourced courses are based on the themes of the public courses, but since they are held only for one customer, it is possible to change the theme, to adapt it to local needs and used technologies. We are completely flexible in this matter. If requested, we are happy to suggest the most appropriate training based on your operational and production conditions and the goals you want to achieve.
Outsourced courses can also be ordered across national borders. We have held courses in Serbia, Macedonia, Slovenia, Bulgaria, Slovakia, Romania, Ukraine, among others, mostly in English.

Examination and certification:

In our courses, we assess the adequacy of the level of theoretical knowledge achieved with tests. The quality of the implementation of the practical tasks is judged by the instructor. In our IPC courses, students take an online test according to the IPC regulations. We provide a written certificate for each successfully completed course. IPC certificates are internationally valid.

Courses in a foreign language:

There are more and more Ukrainian workers in our factories, mainly doing trained work. Therefore, for the time being, two of our courses for them are also available in Ukrainian. The screened/printed presentation and exam questions are also in Ukrainian. The instructor’s explanation is given in Hungarian, for which the customer must provide an interpreter.
All our courses, including self-developed technology courses and IPC standards training, can also be ordered in English. In these courses, the projected/printed presentations, exam questions and instructor explanations are also in English. All our instructors speak English.

Register for our courses    

We accept any written form of application for our public courses. The easiest way is to send us an e-mail, but you can also apply by letter or fax. If you have any questions, feel free to call us!

You can also notify us of your request for an outsourced course by e-mail, indicating your expectations and the contact person. Our employee will contact you shortly after receipt to discuss the details. Of course, we also welcome phone inquiries.

About our technology training courses:

Soldering technology – modular training course

Aim of the course:

  • To provide well-founded, practically applicable, systematic knowledge about the processes that take place during the creation of a soldered joint,
  • what solder alloys and fluxes are used in electronic production,
  • describe in detail the materials and tools used during the discussed soldering technology, their properties, the typical soldering parameters and their definition,
  • introduce the most common soldering errors, their causes and ways to eliminate and avoid them.

The course material is up-to-date, regularly updated with new, up-to-date knowledge. to understand the mechanism of error generation. It describes the repair and rework methods of the discussed soldering process. During the discussion of the above, he provides the students with a lot of additional and background information that helps them in their daily work, and all the while highlights the peculiarities of the technology of operations performed with lead-free solder. With the soldering exercise, we provide the opportunity to directly perceive the behavior of the material and the process, as well as to try out and learn the most typical rework methods.

The course consists of 5 modules:

  1. Soldering basics (9 hours)
  2. Manual soldering technology (3 hours)
  3. Dip, wave and selective soldering (12 hours)
  4. Reflow soldering (16 hours)
  5. Hand soldering practice (8 hours)

Module 1 lays the groundwork for all of them. Applicants can choose from the other modules as they wish. Module 5 also requires the completion of module 2. Duration of the entire course: 6 days, 48 hours.

Training of internal trainers – For the training and further training of soldering operators

Our course can greatly contribute to ensuring the quality of manual soldering, which primarily depends on the knowledge and preparation of the worker. Trained soldering operators can only do a good job if they are first taught to solder correctly. It’s not magic, but there are some basic tricks and rules they have to follow. Those who can solder themselves are not yet a good trainer, but if they come to this course, they will definitely be.
This course is also available in Ukrainian! The screened/printed presentation and exam questions are also available in Ukrainian. The instructor’s explanation is in Hungarian, the customer must provide an interpreter for this.

Application of conformal coatings on circuit boards using IPC-CC-830 and HDBK-830

Our one-day training course, which is intended for process and quality assurance engineers working in factories that assemble electronic circuits, as well as other interested parties, provides basic knowledge and background information on the issues of applying conformal coatings, including material selection, properties of different materials, application procedures and inspection methods. Their goal is to help colleagues successfully carry out their daily tasks.

Mysteries of circuit boards

Circuit boards and panels are permanent players in our everyday life. But how much do we know about it? Do we even know? With the help of a long-established panel manufacturer, Auter Elektronikai Kft., the students of the course will be introduced to the secrets of printed circuit boards. You can get to know the stages of the production process with the help of videos. The training is not intended for panel manufacturing specialists, but rather for process and quality assurance engineers, technicians, and procurement staff of factories that assemble circuit boards with background knowledge that will help them in their daily work. It is also useful for those who design circuit boards. We talk about materials, processes, circuit designs, coatings, surface finishes, their properties, advantages and disadvantages, error phenomena, IPC standards that determine the design, manufacture, and acceptance of circuit boards. The course lasts 2 days.

Error analytics in practice

Our latest course aims to provide knowledge to professionals working in the fields of technology, production and quality control in electronic manufacturing and assembly plants, with the help of which they can more effectively choose the analytical methods aimed at uncovering the root of the detected soldering error, and more precisely they can interpret the test reports and the validity of the results. The course is held by EFI-labs specialists at the Department of Electronic Technology of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, based on the cooperation between EFI and Microsolder.

Training and further training of soldering operators

We hold general soldering theoretical and practical basic courses for workers who carry out electronic manual solder soldering. During an easy-to-understand lecture, they can learn the most basic principles of the soldering process, so that they can understand what and why we expect them to do. We teach you how to perform the manual soldering operation correctly and how to avoid the most common mistakes. The theoretical education is followed by a test and then practice, where we deal with the students individually. We also evaluate the implementation of practical tasks. The course is suitable for training beginner solderers and for further training for those who already know how to solder at some level. From the course, students receive a certificate certifying their participation and the results achieved.
This course is also available in Ukrainian! The screened/printed presentation and exam questions are also available in Ukrainian. The instructor’s explanation is in Hungarian, the customer must provide an interpreter for this.

Hand soldering for advanced: training and further training of repair/rework operators

We train workers who already know how to solder correctly on repair and rework soldering of circuit boards, introducing them to the most commonly used hole and surface mounting soldering procedures. The one-day theoretical and practical training is useful not only for the executors, but also for the managers who manage and control the activity, as well as for the colleagues responsible for quality. Students will receive a certificate from the course certifying participation and results.

Special knowledge for the application of components with hidden solder points according to IPC-7093 and IPC-7095

Our self-developed course for understanding and eliminating the causes of a common error source. components mounted under the component body but without legs (LGA, QFN, etc.), including many components mounted with lower heat-dissipating surfaces, impose special requirements on assembly and soldering technology, which must be taken into account when designing, determining production tools and technology buy. There are special solutions for special requirements that require special knowledge. With the help of these, we can prevent many subsequent soldering, reliability, and operational problems, as well as the associated customer complaints.

Operation soldering expert training

Real news! This complex professional training was brought about by the realization that in industrial plants we are often faced with deficiencies in soldering expertise. It is difficult to make up for these deficiencies with a 1-1 course per year. We have put together a package of our courses, the mastery of which provides a solid foundation for the technical management, quality assurance, and problem-solving of soldering activities. The package also includes technology and IPC courses. The course package is complemented by a unique, individual and company-specific, outsourced session. The courses are offered in a package with a 25% discount. With the acquired knowledge, countless – and money-consuming – operational problems, errors, downtime, and customer complaints can be prevented and avoided.

IPC standards education

About IPC courses in general:

The IPC has developed a training and certification program for five standards. The themes, curriculum, duration, tests and requirements of the IPC courses are the same all over the world. The IPC certification obtained in the courses is recognized everywhere in the industry and has international validity. The value and recognition of the certifications is increased by the online examination introduced in 2015. A significant part of the online exams are also available in Hungarian. Standards included in the IPC training and certification program:

  • IPC-A-600
  • IPC-6012
  • IPC-A-610
  • IPC/WHMA-A-620
  • IPC-7711/7721
  • IPC-J-STD-001

Levels of training:

  1. Application technician, with CIS (Certified IPC Application Specialist) certification
  2. Standards experts with CSE (Certified Standards Expert) certification NEW, INTRODUCED FROM 2019
  3. Trainer with CIT (Certified IPC Trainer) certification

Only licensed IPC Training and Certification Centers are authorized to train standards experts and trainers.
CSE training and certification, established and introduced in 2019, aims to provide industry with highly qualified professionals who have a thorough knowledge of the IPC standards system and one or more key IPC standards, with which they can act as experts in solving all relevant problems , and can help managers and decision-makers.
All IPC certifications are valid for 2 years, after which they must be renewed. Recertification is possible

  • by repeating the course
  • by completing a shortened repeat course
  • without a course (challange) with a test

Expired certifications can be renewed regardless of where the original certification was issued.

Microsolder Kft. teaches all six IPC standards with training and certification programs at application technology (CIS) level and three at expert (CSE) and trainer (CIT) level, the According to IPC training and procedure regulations.

IPC-A-600 CIS training – Acceptability of circuit boards

Introduced in 2014, this course deals with the quality assurance of bare printed wiring circuit boards, the visual inspection and assessment of their external and internal (section) characteristics. The circuit board is a defining part of every electronic product. The recently released 600J version has been significantly expanded and modified compared to the previous one. Training is essential for circuit board manufacturers and users, managers and subordinates alike. The course lasts 3 days.

IPC-6012 CIS Training

Rigid printed circuit boards qualification and requirements

World opportunity in the IPC range is the training of the IPC-6012C standard. Microsolder Kft. was one of the first in Europe to include it in its program. The standard contains important requirements for determining the quality of printed circuit boards and is in accordance with the requirements of IPC -A-600. Its knowledge and use is essential for designers, manufacturers and users of rigid printed circuit boards. The course lasts 3 days.

IPC-A-610 CIS/CSE/CIT training – Acceptability of electronic assemblies

IPC-A-610F Acceptance of electronic assemblies c. standard (also available in Hungarian) is the most widely used international regulation in the electronics industry, the basic document for the complex, visual inspection of assembled circuit units. Its content covers placement (implantation), soldering and assessing the condition of circuit boards and components. Behind the specific acceptance criteria lies a unified approach, which is extremely important to master.
Microsolder Kft. is an authorized IPC-A-610 training and certification center (Licensed IPC Training and Certification Center). Thus, it also holds application technology (CIS) and training (CIT) courses. The CIS course is 3 days, the CSE and CIT 4 days.

IPC/WHMA-A-620 CIS/CSE/CIT training – Requirements and acceptance of cable and wire harness assemblies

Knowledge of the internationally well-known, accepted and widely applied standard is essential for everyone who deals with the assembly and assembly of cables and wires, in the field of production, management or quality assurance. It is also essential for professionals of companies that accept these products as incoming goods as users. The CIS course lasts 3 days, the CSE and CIT 4 days.

IPC-7711/7721 CIS/CSE/CIT Training – Electronic Assembly Rework, Modification and Repair

A special further training in soldering techniques, which is two-thirds practical. In addition to the general specifications, it contains a detailed description of the soldering and soldering as well as other repair and rework methods accepted by the IPC, including the description of the necessary tools and materials and the method of execution. Many customers of the electronics industry require knowledge and use of this standard, which is also published in Hungarian, for those working in repair (rework) workplaces. Students must demonstrate their practical skills and ability to use the standard. Our company is an authorized IPC-7711/7721 training and certification center (Licensed IPC Training and Certification Center). Accordingly, it also holds application technology (CIS) and training (CIT) courses. The CIS course is 3 days, the CSE and CIT 4 days.

IPC-J-STD-001 CIS training – Soldering requirements for electrical and electronic assemblies

This is an industrial standard, which is already available in Hungarian, and summarizes the requirements related to the soldering process, the materials and tools used during it, and the soldering nodes. The standard is fully consistent with the IPC-A-610 standard, but while it only focuses on evaluating the result, J-STD-001 examines the requirements from the point of view of the creation of the soldered joint. His knowledge is essential for process and quality assurance engineers and managers. The course includes many soldering exercises. So much so that the engineers and managers can manage and control the soldering processes and feel the behavior of the materials, not only from a theoretical point of view, but also from a practical point of view. The course lasts 4 days.

Talk to our expert

Simonyi Nelli
sales and training assistant 
+36 20 480 0176

Jakab Zoltán
business development and sales manager, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC-7711/21 Master Trainer
+36 20 419 8216

Császár Csaba
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC/WHMA-A-620 master trainer, IPC-A-600 and IPC-6012 trainer
+36 20 501 9909

Kovács Zsolt
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610, IPC-A-620 and IPC 7711/21 trainer
+36 20 218 1685