ERSA offers a large selection of tools for soldering in and out of components with hidden soldering points (BGA, CSP, QFN, etc.) and other shock absorbers. These devices range from smaller (soldering station-sized) devices to special systems suitable for holding large cards. In its study, ZVEI – Zentralverband Elektrotechnikund Elektronikindustrie e. examined the possibilities of ensuring the high quality of rework. V., German Electrical and Electronic Manufacturers’ Association, PCB and Electronic Systems Division, which provides useful guidance to all professionals involved in this field. The study can be downloaded free of charge. 

Ersa rework equipment is the so-called are based on hybrid technology. The upper heating unit, which adjusts to the size of the component and ensures the melting of the solder, works with a slightly, gently flowing air current. The heaters that heat the air also emit infrared radiation, and the two together provide very efficient, extremely even heating. The production range of hybrid rework equipment offers a suitable choice for the most diverse user needs.
The HR100A is a small, easy-to-use, handheld device. It can be used extremely versatile for soldering in and out of a wide variety of SMD components. The maximum nozzle size is 20 x 20 mm. The equipment can be expanded with lower preheating and a stand. The HR100A-HP configuration also includes the HRSoft process control software.
A HR100A kisméretű, könnyen kezelhető, kézi eszköz. Rendkívül sokoldalúan használható a legkülönfélébb SMD alkatrészek ki- és beforrasztására.
The HR200 hybrid rework equipment is made mainly for mobile phone, game console and laptop services, where price is an important factor, but automation and software control and data storage are not. The power of the upper heating unit mounted on a stand: 400 W, which can be supplemented with an 800 W lower infrared unit. Its operation is simple, it can be adjusted with just two rotary knobs.
A HR200 hybrid rework berendezés főként mobiltelefon, játékkonzol és laptop szervizek részére készül, amelyeknél az ár fontos tényező, ugyanakkor az automatizáltság és a szoftveres vezérlés, adattárolás nem.
A HR500 a hybrid család új tagja. 900 W teljesítményű felső hibrid rendszerű fűtőegységgel és 1600 W-os teljes területre kiterjedő alsó infravörös fűtőegységgel rendelkezik
The HR500 is a new member of the hybrid family. It has a 900W top hybrid system heater and a 1600W full-area bottom infrared heater. The size of the handled parts ranges from 1×1 mm to 50×50 mm, and the size of the circuit board is up to 300×380 mm. Optical equipment is available for component implantation. The equipment is recommended for reworking general electronic assemblies.
The HR550 is a powerful desoldering and resoldering machine with high-precision component placement functions. Extremely efficient, with a hybrid system, 1500 W upper and 3-zone infrared, 2400 W lower heating unit. It is controlled by the HRSoft program. The equipment can be supplemented with a Dip&Print station, which is very useful for soldering BGAs and pinless components (BTCs). Largest panel size: 382×300 mm. Workable part size range: from 0.5 mm to 70×70 mm. The larger HR550XL version of the equipment is suitable for reworking circuit boards up to 530×530 mm.
A HR550 erőteljes ki- és beforrasztó, és nagy pontosságú alkatrészhelyező funkciókkal. Rendkívül hatékony, hybrid rendszerű, 1500 W teljesítményű felső, és 3 zónás infrasugárzós, 2400 W-os alsó fűtőegységgel.
A szintén hybrid rendszerű HR600/2 a gyártó legautomatizáltabb középkategóriás rework állomása.
The HR600/2, also with a hybrid system, is the manufacturer’s most automated mid-range rework station. Its upper hybrid heating head is 800 W, its 3-zone lower preheater has a power of 2400 W, it is also suitable for heating larger, multi-layer cards. Maximum panel size: 390×285 mm. The maximum part size that can be handled is 50 x 50 mm. Soldering in and out is done automatically, according to the program written and stored in HRSoft. Dip&Print station can be connected. The newest member of the HR family is the HR600/3P, which can rework even the smallest SMD components with the finest lead-out distance.
The part size range that can be handled starts from 01005 up to 50×50 mm. The equipment has an extremely precise x-y-z axis system, a high-resolution camera system and a high degree of automation. Its positioning accuracy is 20 microns.
A kezelhető alkatrészméret tartománya a 01005-től indul 50x50 mm méretig tart. A berendezés rendkívül preciz x-y-z tengelyrendszerrel
Extra nagy méretű panelek újramunkálásához alkalmas HR-600XL

The HR-600XL is suitable for reworking extra-large panels, which, mounted on a table-height machine stand, enables fully automatic, high-quality reworking of large panels. The usable panel size is up to 625×625 mm and the thickness can be up to 10 mm (!). 

Many accessories can be selected for all rework equipment. These include process visualization cameras, special lower side supports and card-holding frames, as well as different-sized component pick-up pipettes.

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