Solders, fluxes, protective, coating, encapsulating, adhesive and heat-conducting materials, auxiliary materials, accessories
Soldering tools and machines, ovens, preparing, assembling and other technological equipment
Circuit board repair, rework, component renewal, repair and service of distributed equipment
Process support, consultation, classroom and hands-on training courses, IPC Standards Certification Center
Microsolder Ltd. was founded in 1994 as a family-owned, technically-oriented commercial enterprise based on representation of companies in Hungary. Between 2018 and 2020, the ownership of the company was taken over by the Stannol company, which also has a family background. Microsolder’s team, profile and business policy have remained unchanged.
All our products and services are aimed at the electronics industry. The traditional strength of our company is soldering technology, for which almost all materials, auxiliary materials, machines and tools are available from us. In the meantime, we have extended this profile to other steps of PCB assembly as component placement, solder paste printing, automatic optical inspection, even complete production lines.
The product distribution is complemented by an increasingly wide range of technical services, including, among others, training courses, process support, and consultation, and service activities. Our company is certified according to (the) ISO 9001:2015 quality management system.
Contact us
H-1037 Budapest, Kiscsillag street. 18.
Opening Hours:
Monday-Thursday: 8.00-16.30
Friday: 8.00-14.30