Fume extractors for soldering workplaces

Cleaning the exhaust of soldering fumes or removing them from the work area is now a basic requirement for all employers. Even a small amount of smoke, if it burdens the body regularly, can cause health damage. Perhaps a fan installed on the table with a thin activated carbon filter sheet, which removes the soldering fumes away from the panel and blows them upwards into the workspace, does not provide an adequate answer to the problem. If the exhaust air is released into the open air without filtration, in addition to the cost of the design, the costs of the measurement and authorization process will be charged. In addition, in the case of bad wind conditions, improperly designed drainage can lead the emitted pollutants back to the work area. In addition, cold air will flow in instead of warm air in winter, which will increase heating costs, and in summer the consumption of air conditioning equipment will increase. In addition, when converting a production line, the extraction system must be rebuilt. These problems can be solved with local extraction equipment.

ERSA smoke extraction systems 

The German manufacturer offers efficient, extraction arm fume extraction units for use in indoor soldering workplaces. All equipment returns filtered air to the working environment.

Compact, single arm extraction unit capable of air transport of 110m3/h. Its operation is quiet, so the workers are not disturbed during their work. The filter implements 3 levels of air purification. The first stage is the pre-filter, which separates coarser particles from the air stream, while the other two stages filter out micro-particles and harmful gases. The device can be connected to some Ersa I-Con soldering stations, which enables automatic switching on and off.

EASY ARM 1 Kompakt, egy karos elszívóegység, amely 110m3/h légszállításra képes. Működése csendes, így a dolgozókat nem zavarja a munkavégzés közben.

This equipment can serve two suction arms. It can provide a suction capacity of 110m3/h for each arm. The performance of the two ports can be controlled simultaneously or independently. It is equipped with a clogging warning system, which warns the user when the filter is exhausted. The filtration efficiency and the structure of the filters are the same as the Easy Arm 1 system. This device can also be connected to I-Con stations using the built-in interface socket

EASY ARM 2 Ez a berendezés két elszívókar kiszolgálására képes. Mindkét kar számára képes 110m3/h szívóteljesítményt biztosítani.

Various arms, cowls and flexible pipes can be connected to the ERSA extraction units according to individual needs.

Purex fume extraction systems 

The wide range of Purex smoke extraction systems allows you to choose the most suitable equipment for the application. The smallest equipment can serve 2 extractors mounted on a soldering iron, and the largest can serve up to 36 extractor arms. Analog devices are a cost-effective solution. The digital devices have a gas sensor that monitors the filtered air, so the device indicates if the filter is saturated. The equipment measures the air pressure in front of the filter and keeps it at a constant level. Thanks to this, the amount of extraction does not depend on the condition of the filters, or in the case of equipment serving several extraction arms, on how many arm valves are open. Larger equipment can be equipped with a compressor, which produces compressed air from the purified air. This is useful for laser cutting and engraving equipment, as the laser optics must be protected from dust deposition.

A Purex füstelszívó rendszerek széles palettája lehetővé teszi az alkalmazáshoz legmegfelelőbb berendezés kiválasztását.
A legkisebb berendezés 2 forrasztó pákára szerelt elszívót tud kiszolgálni a legnagyobb pedig akár 36 elszívó kart.

Extraction equipment for chemical substances 

Purex equipment can be equipped with several types of main filter. From a simple HEPA filter to a version optimized for capturing the vapors of diluents, we can choose from 10 different designs. The product range allows you to choose the filter that best suits your needs. Purex extractors have a pre-filter, which protects it. so that the dust cannot clog the main filter before the activated carbon in it is saturated with the harmful substances that have been extracted.

Extraction equipment for soldering machines

Purex’s larger equipment is suitable for extracting fumes from curing ovens, reflow ovens, wave and selective wave soldering equipment. The compressor, which can be installed in larger equipment, can provide the compressed air demand of the soldering equipment.

Extraction equipment for marking and coding equipment

In addition to labels, laser and ink-jet marking are also common solutions for marking products. In both cases, a by-product (diluent, smoke) is produced, which requires extraction. When marking or cutting PVC, we can recommend PVC-compatible versions of extraction equipment.

Talk to our expert 

Császár Csaba
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC/WHMA-A-620 master trainer, IPC-A-600 and IPC-6012 trainer
+36 20 501 9909

Kovács Zsolt
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610, IPC-A-620 and IPC 7711/21 trainer
+36 20 218 1685

Sárvár Zsolt
quality control and service manager
+36 20 414 2458

Jakab Zoltán
business development and sales manager, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC-7711/21 Master Trainer
+36 20 419 8216