The manual optical inspection equipment offered by ERSA is suitable for examining hidden solder joints, documenting the results and helping to solve the identified problems. To fulfill these tasks, we offer closely related software and hardware sets, which range from the smallest portable size to the so-called They range up to XL systems. 

Az ERSA által kínált manuális optikai ellenőrző berendezések alkalmasak a rejtett forrasztási csomópontok vizsgálatára

The smallest device is the ERSA Mobile Scope, which is easy to use, can be held in the hand and can be connected to a notebook or other computer via a USB interface. The device can even fit in the pocket of a coat, so it can be a useful companion for process or quality control engineers in their daily work. Several additional accessories can be selected for even more versatile use. In addition to the 90° BGA optics, it can also be ordered with straight-viewing Macro-Zoom lenses, a stand, a fiberglass backlight (light brush) and an X/Y stage. 

A legkisebb eszköz az ERSA Mobile Scope, amely egyszerűen kezelhető, kézben tartható és USB interfészen keresztül notebookhoz vagy más számítógéphez csatlakoztatható.

The Ersascope 1 system represents the next step in ERSA’s family of optical inspection devices. Desktop equipment, with halogen light source, 90° BGA optics, X/Y movable stage, illuminator, CMOS USB camera. Its main field of application is testing BGA components of average complexity. 

Az Ersascope 1 rendszer a következő lépést képviseli az ERSA optikai ellenőrző készülékeinek családjában

The Ersascope 2 version is the most versatile device. Also a desktop solution that uses an improved MHLS light source. The MHLS light source emits a stronger white light, which allows for clearer and brighter shots. The connected 1.3 megapixel CCD camera provides high-quality images. Three types of test heads can be connected to the optical superstructure. The 90° head is for general BGA inspection, the 90° Flip Chip head is for checking micro BGAs and other small, very embedded components, while the 0° head is used as a video microscope to help evaluate traditional SMDs. The ratio of foreground and background light can be infinitely adjusted using a mechanical iris. The stage can be moved in the X/Y/Theta direction. The basic set also includes the fiberglass (so-called light brush) lighting! 

Az Ersascope 2 változat a legsokoldalúbban felhasználható berendezés. Szintén asztali megoldás, amely továbbfejlesztett MHLS fényforrást használ.

We offer the Ersascope XL system for accommodating large circuit boards. The device can also be used with Ersascope 1 or 2 optics. Its main feature is the modified object table, which can accommodate a maximum of 600 x 700 mm cards and has integrated lower supports. The optical heads are mounted on a 300mm telescopic arm to comfortably reach all points of the area to be examined. 

A nagyméretű áramköri lapok befogadására az Ersascope XL rendszert kínáljuk.

All the above-mentioned devices come with the ImageDoc Basic software, which is suitable for performing the most varied operations. These are just some of the main functions: annotating, marking, measuring, recording, problem-solution database, accessing studies and internet links, creating reference image groups. After purchasing a separate license, the software can be “upgraded” to the EXP version providing maximum services, which in addition to the above offers photo manipulation options, AVI video recording, creation of sharp images in full depth (focus fusion), and statistical functions.

All in all, Ersascope systems can be used in many ways in the field of quality control and process adjustment. With enough ingenuity, applications beyond the original main test areas can also be realized, such as viewing and measuring the topside solder meniscus on hole-mounted components inside shielding, or inspecting the inside of some re-metallized holes.

Talk to our expert 

Sárvár Zsolt
quality control and service manager
+36 20 414 2458

Jakab Zoltán
business development and sales manager, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC-7711/21 Master Trainer
+36 20 419 8216