Our company is the long-established ERSA GmbH. and distributes the soldering equipment of the younger but dynamically developing TWS Automation S.R.L.. The two manufacturers serve the needs of different market segments, but together they are able to cover the entire vertical, from small start-ups to the largest multinational contract manufacturers. 

Wave solders

The range of wave soldering machines offers a suitable solution for all plant sizes and production needs. Their common feature is an extremely stable soldering process. 
The machines of the Powerflow series belong to the premium category of wave solderers. The robust, easy-to-maintain, reliable equipment can be equipped with a whole range of optional equipment to best suit the given task. For some types, you can choose a frame or nail transport track. Top preheating may also be necessary to solve particularly difficult, primarily lead-free soldering tasks. The Powerflow is a high-performance machine suitable for mass production.
In the case of lead-free soldering, the use of a nitrogen atmosphere is definitely advisable, and sometimes essential. The Powerflow ULTRA and Powerflow Pro machines have a complete nitrogen tunnel (including preheating).

A hullámforrasztó gépek választéka minden üzemmérethez és termelési igényhez megfelelő megoldást kínál. Közös jellemzőjük a kiemelkedően stabil forrasztási folyamat.

The Powerflow ULTRA is the top model, the successor to the previous N2, even more modern, more up-to-date: high-performance equipment, for the production of demanding products, all the necessary technical achievements of today are deployed to ensure the achievement of the best soldering quality. Its communication with the other units of the production line is ensured by the interface according to the IPC-Hermes-9852 standard. The control is provided by the most modern Ersasoft 5 software. 
The ULTRA XL version provides a working width of 520 mm, the ULTRA XXL version 610 mm, for soldering especially large circuit boards.
Powerflow Pro is a compact, cost-effective version of ULTRA, opening the way to the upper category primarily for medium-sized businesses.

The machines can also be ordered together with a complete assembly line designed according to individual needs.

Overview of wave soldering machines

Delivery trackPreheating length min/max. (mm)Application
 Powerflow 508NoYes1800High-performance atmospheric machine, with an extraordinary price-value ratio, for demanding production tasks
 Powerflow Pro
From medium to large series, for demanding production, in a completely nitrogen atmosphere, cost-effectively
and 458
 Powerflow     ULTRA406/508YesYes1800/3000Large series, for demanding, complicated soldering tasks, in a completely nitrogen atmosphere

Selective soldering machines 

Szelektív forrasztógépek

ERSA selective soldering machines work on the principle of immersion or wave soldering machines, or with a combination of them, and are able to solder the hole-mounted components in a large series with controllable parameters and uniform quality. Versaflow machines are built from modular elements, from which countless versions can be created, always according to the soldering task to be solved. 

The following two types of selective soldering have basically developed:

  • single wave
  • multiwave

The spot wave solution with its movable, wettable nozzle in the x, y, z direction provides great flexibility and enables soldering in tight spaces. 
The biggest advantage of the multiwave version, on the other hand, is the short cycle time and more intense heat transfer. If we have to solder many points in large series production conditions, it can be beneficial to use this technology.

In ERSA’s selective machine family, we can find a solution for every task. The following machine types are currently available:

  • Smartflow 2020: the smallest ERSA selective soldering machine, offers the same production quality as the larger ones, with lower productivity and much cheaper
  • Ecoselect 1: small-scale off-line machine, with 1 or 2 tin tubs, longer cycle time, but with uncompromising technological solutions
  • Ecoselect 4: machine that can be used in-line or off-line, with 1 or 2 tin tubs, for small and medium-sized plants, with Versaflow 4 series technology
  • Versaflow 3: machine intended for medium- and large-scale use, with up to 6 tin tubs, expandable preheating zones, single and/or multiwave technology, modular construction
  • Versaflow 4: A further developed version of Versaflow 3, even more flexible, the position of the double welding tubs in one module can be changed in the y and z direction relative to each other, the tubs of the Versaflex module constantly move independently of each other, automatic wave monitoring, more powerful conveyor, fully convection top preheater, intelligent flux application, newer ErsaSoft 5 software platform, various optical inspection units, just some of the many new features
  • Ecocell: a machine intended for medium and large-scale use, equipped with up to 2 single or multiwave tubs, which can be fitted into a Lean production cell, where the PCB returns to the input side.

Selective soldering machines can also be ordered with an associated production line and special additional equipment, such as cooling tower or nitrogen generator.

Reflow ovens

Regarding reflow furnaces, we recommend ERSA machines for medium and large series, while for small series production we recommend TWS Automation equipment, which represents an extremely favorable price-value ratio.

ERSA furnaces

All ERSA furnaces have pure convection lower upper heating zones (except the vacuum chamber), some of which are optional. Their technical solutions are of a high standard, and they adapt to all modern surface installation requirements. 

Depending on the length of the machines, there are several soldering zones, so even the lead-free soldering of complicated cards with a large heat-dissipating mass will not be a problem. The so-called “flat” melting heat profile ensures the required time spent above the melting point while maintaining a low peak temperature. The conveyor design is called pin-chain and can be made in single or multi-track (max. 4) design. Multi-track machines can multiply the productivity of the same floor area!

Az ERSA kemencék mindegyike tisztán konvekciós alsó felső fűtőzónákkal rendelkezik (kivéve a vákuumkamrát), amelyek egy része opcionális

All parameters can be adjusted and monitored by software. The machines can be ordered with a unique atmosphere cleaning system, an option that ensures easy installation and several other additional functions. 

ERSA reflow ovens overview

Zone numberOperating space length (mm)
Preheater top/bottomLoose top/bottomCooler top/bottom
Exos 10/269/92/2+1 vacuum4/47377
Hotflow 4/83/31/13/33260
Hotflow 4/145/52/23/34400
Hotflow 4/207/73/34/45920
Hotflow 4/269/94/44/47115
Hotflow 3/14e5/52/22/23345
Hotflow 3/145/52/23/33790
Hotflow 3/20e7/73/33/34840
Hotflow 3/207/73/34/45190

The Exos 10/26 inline vacuum reflow oven is used by the advanced electronics industry, such as e.g. it was created due to the much stricter than average airlock expectations of the automotive industry. A vacuum chamber is built into the Exos 10/26 heating zone after two upper and lower convection modules, which reduces the level of air inclusions to a minimum. The vacuum in the vacuum chamber builds up quickly, ensuring a relatively short cycle time. The temperature reached in the melting zone is maintained by radiating heat sources in a vacuum chamber. Fitting into the furnace’s segmented conveyor system, there is an easy-to-maintain, lubrication-free, disc conveyor section in the vacuum space. 
The e-marked reflow oven versions are the so-called They represent the “economy class” category, which are made with a simpler structural design and fewer options, so even businesses with smaller budgets can afford them. At the same time, the quality of production remains in the “premium” class.

Az Exos 10/26 inline vákuumos reflow-kemencét a fejlett elektronikákat gyártó ipar, így pl. az autóipar átlagosnál sokkal szigorúbb légzárvány-elvárásai miatt hozták létre.

TWS ovens 

TWS Automation’s affordable reflow ovens offer start-ups and smaller businesses the opportunity to start independent SMT production. The product range ranges from micro-oven-sized desktop machines to 3m long tunnel ovens. The furnaces are equipped with a mesh conveyor as standard, but the largest machine can be ordered in a pin-chain version with a central support as well!
The currently available types are:

  • TWS 850: table-top, small static furnace with medium-wave IR and convection heating, mainly for prototype production
  • TWS 1150: short tunnel furnace with 2 heating zones (1 preheating + 1 melting zone), with pure convection heating, cooling fans and mesh conveyor
  • TWS 1320: 3 m long oven with 4 convection heating zones (3 pre-heating + 1 melting), cooling fans and mesh conveyor
  • TWS 1380 EVO: 3 m long oven with 4 convection heating zones (3 preheating + 1 melting), cooling fans and mesh conveyor, built-in thermal profile meter and touch screen display
  • TWS 1385 EVO: 3 m long oven with 4 convection heating zones (3 pre-heating + 1 melting), cooling fans, both pin-chain conveyor, central support and mesh conveyor, built-in thermal profile meter and touch screen display
TWS kemencék

Talk to our expert 

Pető Csaba
Executive, Director of Sales and Technical Support, Certified IPC-A-610 Master Trainer
+36 20 464 1303

Sárvár Zsolt
quality control and service manager
+36 20 414 2458

Császár Csaba 
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610 and IPC/WHMA-A-620 master trainer, IPC-A-600 and IPC-6012 trainer
+36 20 501 9909

Kovács Zsolt 
salesperson, technical consultant, certified IPC-A-610, IPC-A-620 and IPC 7711/21 trainer
+36 20 218 1685